Start Worrying About Worry Lines Now
Protect your skin from the sun. If you are able to completely stay out of the sun as much as possible, this will help. If you go in the sun, wear sunscreen. The sun wears on your skin and makes you squint.
Eat well. A balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables provides your organs with the nutrients they need. Fruits and veggies also have lots of anti-oxidants.
Even thought you are in your twenties, you might want to think about wrinkles on your face. Sure, you can call those things that resemble bird's feet next to your eyes "laugh lines" and those canyons on your forehead "character lines", but a new name won't make them any different. And anyway, the names still include "line" and not "healthy skin". So, fellow naturally aging non-Vampire, face it, those wrinkles are inevitable. If you don't want to have to have premature Botox syndrome only later to find out the sides of your eyes are drooping, listen up!
The Basics of Preventing Wrinkles that You Can Start Now
'Its simple. To prevent wrinkles and age lines on your face, your best bet is to adopt healthy habits. If your daily routine consists of these basics, you will have less wrinkles. The earlier you start, the better. The more often you follow this routine, the better. In other words, the more often you are able to remember these wrinkle prevention tips, the more likely you are to maintain smoother skin.

Don't smoke. In addition to making you generally healthier, not smoking will keep your skin healthier. Smokers tend to age faster, and smoking creates more defined wrinkles.
Get some sleep! The more tired you are, the more tired your skin is. In addition to feeling better, more sleep will help your skin look better.

Drink enough water. Drinking water flushes toxins out of your system, toxins which can be harmful for your skin. In addition to benefiting your skin, drinking water helps your eyes. Staying hydrated helps prevent your eyes from being dry.
These are the basic ways for your skin regimen. Your skin will be with you always, so if you want to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, it will behoove you to start thinking about it now!
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You can prevent your wrinkles in teens in the post here. Useful post
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